Could not execute query

[SELECT PRODUCT_ID FROM PC7_PRODUCT_CODE_ALIAS WHERE MANUFACTURER_CODE = '�äöAir Conditioners'] - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb3_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' -
- error in file include/include_db.php on line # 262 : executeQuery
- error in file products_listing_functions.php on line # 613 : preparedQuery
- error in file products_listing_functions.php on line # 152 : pcsMysqlList
- error in file search_products.php on line # 691 : pcsProductsListing
- error in file _rewrite.php on line # 489 : require Could not execute query

[INSERT INTO SEARCH_RESULTS_6nepkcgl0c47tv1eoli36itcqg SELECT DISTINCT(P.ID) AS ID, IFNULL(P.MIN_PRICE, 0) AS PRICE_MIN, IFNULL(P.MAX_PRICE, 0) AS PRICE_MAX, IFNULL(P.STORE_COUNT, 0) AS STORE_COUNT, P.TITLE AS TITLE, P.MANUFACTURER AS MANUFACTURER, P.FILENAME AS PFILENAME, P.PRODUCT_RATING AS RATING, P.CATEGORY_ID AS CID, '', '' , (IF (INSTR(P.TITLE, '�äöAir Conditioners')>0, 1, 0)) + (IF (P.MANUFACTURER_CODE LIKE '�äöAir Conditioners', 10, 0)) AS TITLE_REL FROM PC7_PRODUCT P WHERE P.ISVALID='Y' AND ((( CONCAT(' ', P.TITLE, ' ') LIKE '% �äöAir %' AND CONCAT(' ', P.TITLE, ' ') LIKE '% Conditioners %' )) OR (P.MANUFACTURER_CODE LIKE '�äöAir Conditioners' )) ] - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb3_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' -
- error in file products_listing_functions.php on line # 702 : executeUpdate
- error in file products_listing_functions.php on line # 152 : pcsMysqlList
- error in file search_products.php on line # 691 : pcsProductsListing
- error in file _rewrite.php on line # 489 : require Search Products: �äöAir Conditioners
- ₦

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