Keyboard price in Nigeria

Everyone knows what a keyboard is but interestingly not everyone knows about the different types of keyboards in the market. Some of the keyboards are: Standard Keyboard, Compact Keyboards, Ergonomic Keyboard, Wireless Keyboard. As applies to all other products, you have to be mindful of the purpo Show more

₦0,00 ₦450 000,00
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XL RGB Wireless Gaming Luminous MousePad Laptop
XL RGB Wireless Gaming Luminous MousePad Laptop
From ₦15 999,00 6.25%
₦16 999,00

From 1 store(s)
Magic Keyboard With Numeric Keypad - White
Magic Keyboard With Numeric Keypad - White
From ₦265 999,00

From 1 store(s)
G101 61 Keys Wired Mechanical Keyboard RGB Backlight
G101 61 Keys Wired Mechanical Keyboard RGB Backlight
From ₦23 255,00 64.35%
₦38 220,00

From 1 store(s)
L100 Wireless Gaming Keyboard With RGB Backlight
L100 Wireless Gaming Keyboard With RGB Backlight
From ₦28 790,00 57.49%
₦45 341,00

From 1 store(s)
Mini Keyboard 78-key Mini Keyboard USB Powered Wired
Mini Keyboard 78-key Mini Keyboard USB Powered Wired
From ₦7 410,00 5.26%
₦7 800,00

From 1 store(s)
Could not execute query

[INSERT INTO PC7_SEARCH (ID, TEXT, TYPE, NUM_OF_PRODUCTS, DATE, IP_ADDRESS, LAST_SEARCH_ON) VALUES (13106250, 'Keyboard', 1, 192, '2025-03-26 22:03:02', 316533352, 1743022982)] - Duplicate entry '13106250' for key 'PRIMARY' -
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